The Ivory Hawks
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- Género musical Hard Rock, Heavy Metal
- Zona de influencia Málaga
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Who are The Ivory Hawks? It is thought that they were Voyagers from deep space who traveled the multiverse to witness extraordinary events.
Nowadays, only a few people have had access to fragments of their journeys' records. They have devoted themselves to spread this legacy,
which will live on in a bunch of powerful hard rock songs and old-school guitar riffs.
The official chroniclers so far are:
Mr. Jesús Martínez (Vocals)
Mr. Ginés Arronis (Guitars/Keyboards)
Mr. Antonio Miguel Fernández/Añete (Bass)
It is time to believe! Do you worship rock and roll?
- Jesús Martínez Voz principal
- Ginés Arronis Guitarra eléctrica, Teclados
- Añete Bajo eléctrico
Aún no hay publicaciones disponibles
- Género musical Hard Rock, Heavy Metal
- Zona de influencia Málaga
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